Caring for Your
Orthodontic Appliances

Taking care of your appliances during orthodontic treatment is vital, whether we’re talking about your braces, rapid palatal expander, Invisalign® clear aligners, or retainer.

It will require some adjustments on your part, but compliance with your orthodontist’s instructions is the key to success during treatment. Don’t worry though, the team at RTO knows exactly how to help you get the best results during, and after, your treatment.

Your Teeth Deserve Attention, Too

Having good oral hygiene during treatment will keep your teeth clean and gums healthy, and move your teeth move faster and more predictably while keeping your teeth free from stains and decay.

Poor brushing and excessive breakage of braces brackets will result in longer treatment, compromised outcomes, cavities, and staining of the teeth. We will help you learn the proper way to brush and floss with braces or clear aligners!

Do Your Braces or Aligners Need Repair?

During treatment, braces can sometimes come loose from the teeth, a wire can poke your cheek, or your aligner can get rough and worn.

If this happens, just give us a call to help determine the best time to repair the problem.

In some cases, you can repair your orthodontic appliance at home until you’re able to come into one of the RTO offices.

Care Tips